The IELTS exam is assessed on a nine-point system, developed in cooperation with the British Council, the University of Cambridge, and the Australian educational organization IDP. In this article, the best IELTS institute in Abbotsford will explain how the IELTS exam is assessed and what it takes to get a higher score.
First of all, we note that the exam results are not issued immediately, but only after 13 working days from the date of passing. Consequently, no one can know in advance what grade you have been given: this time is needed to process the results obtained, evaluate them comprehensively, and issue the appropriate certificates.
Exam certificates and results will not be sent by email by mail or fax or can be handed over to you personally or (if there is a valid reason) to your authorized representative in the presence of a power of attorney certified by a notary. Also, the best IELTS institute in Abbotsford can send the results to the address you specified in the application form by mail (by registered mail).
Your IELTS score will consist of your scores for each of the four skills (Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking), which are then averaged to give an overall GPA. Each skill is rated from 9 to 1 point. For Listening and Reading there can be either whole or half points (for example 6.0, 6.5) For Writing and Speaking, only whole points (for example, 5.0, and 6.0). However, then the arithmetic mean is still displayed and, as a result, one of the whole points on the nine-point system is obtained.
Learn about assessment by top IELTS institute in Abbotsford
• 9 - Expert user. Fully fluent in the language: adequate, accurate, and fluent perception of spoken and written speech with full understanding, a high ability to build their own statements, and have an easy conversation on any topic and in any environment.
• 8 - Very good user. Fully fluent in the language, only occasional unsystematic inaccuracies, and inconsistencies. In unusual situations, misunderstandings may arise. Supports complex detailed argumentation well.
• 7 - Good user. He speaks the language, despite occasional inaccuracies, inconsistencies, and misunderstandings in some situations. Generally has a good command of complex language and understands detailed explanations.
• 6 - Competent user. Mostly effective language proficiency, despite inaccuracies, inconsistencies, and misunderstandings. Can use and understand fairly complex language, particularly in familiar situations.
• 5 - Modest user. Partially fluent in the language, general understanding of the meaning in most situations, despite many mistakes. Can maintain communication "in his field".
• 4- Limited user. Proficiency is limited to understanding primitive language constructs in familiar situations. Inability to use complex constructions, communication problems is present.
• 3 - Extremely limited users. Expresses and understands the only general meaning in very familiar situations. Frequent failures in communication.
• 2 - Intermittent user. Real communication is impossible, except for the most basic, using separate words or short formulations in familiar situations and basic necessities. Serious difficulty understanding spoken and written language.
• 1 - None user. Essentially lacks the ability to use the language beyond some individual words. A person does not understand even simple speech constructions in English, and vocabulary is limited to the most elementary words and (sometimes) expressions.
• 0 - Did not attempt the test. The applicant does not speak English.
And now we will consider the criteria and principles on the basis of which one or another mark is given for each stage of the IELTS exam and, most importantly, the top IELTS institute in Abbotsford will try to understand how you can improve your IELTS score with the help of best IELTS institute in Abbotsford.